Office supply ventilation system project and its calculation

The main task of the office ventilation system is to create the microclimate and indoor air parameters that are optimal for the best staff productivity. And this is possible with the timely removal of exhaust air and the inflow of fresh air from the street.

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems for the office

Office Ventilation Scheme
Office Ventilation Scheme

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems of office premises create the best conditions for employees. Harmful impurities are emitted into the air not only by people, but also by the finishing materials used in the construction of the building, furniture and appliances.

Supply ventilation in the office sucks in air from the street, passes it through the filter and delivers it to the premises. Supply ventilation in the office can be additionally equipped with an air cooler and heater, mufflers, dehumidifiers or humidifiers. Diffusers are put on the outlets of the air ducts.

Ventilation of the office space provides forced air outflow. By changing the power of the inflow and outflow, it is possible to create an air pressure in some rooms and discharge it in others. For example, preventing the suction of cigarette smoke from "smokers" into offices.

According to the Building Norms and Rules, 20-60 cubic meters of air must be supplied per employee per hour.

When calculating the ventilation of the office, you can focus on the minimum figure if the room has an excellent air distribution system and there is an air conditioner responsible for the main air parameters. In practice, however, more often as a standard when calculating office ventilation, they take the figure of 40 cubic meters of air per hour per employee. It is with such an influx of workers that the feeling of freshness and cleanliness of the air will not leave, which will have a beneficial effect on labor productivity.

Thus, the main indicator for calculating the ventilation system of an office is the number of jobs.

Office ventilation calculation parameters

The efficiency of the office ventilation system should be higher than that of an apartment, because besides the people who are here, there is also equipment that emits heat.

Therefore, when creating an office ventilation project, the area of ​​the premises, the amount of office equipment are taken into account. Another important factor that should be taken into account when creating an office ventilation project is the convenience for employees. Scientists have found that a change in temperature for every three degrees in comparison with the climatic norm worsens labor productivity by a third. That is, if the temperature in the office rises to 28 degrees, employees will use 30% of the energy to cool their own bodies. Do not rely on air conditioning alone. After all, the air conditioner only drives the air in the room in a circle. Fresh air can be provided by supply ventilation in the office.
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