Ventilation hood in a remote room with plastic windows: dormitory, dressing room, smoking room

Ventilation is required for any room: residential, utility or special purpose. About how the ventilation of dressing rooms, smoking rooms should be arranged, as well as how to do it yourself in a room with plastic windows, read on.

Ventilation of the dressing room

Ventilation of the dressing room is necessary for better preservation of things.
Ventilation of the dressing room is necessary for better preservation of things.

The dressing room must certainly be ventilated, otherwise an unpleasant smell cannot be avoided. Most often, there are no heating radiators in the dressing rooms, which means that the humidity here is higher: good conditions are created for the development of mold and microbes. Therefore, you need to take care of ventilation in a deaf room. Few owners know everything about how to organize ventilation in a room.

There are several options for ventilation in the dressing room:

  1. If one wall of the dressing room faces the street, a supply valve is installed on it. If there is a window in the dressing room, the valve is built into its sash. Accessible to everyone and an uncomplicated way. Fresh air is supplied through the valve, and is removed through a gap under the door or a ventilation grill. As a rule, a lattice with an area of ​​10 x 20 cm is sufficient.The width of the gap should be 1 cm, and under the door of the bathroom and kitchen - 2.5 cm.Further, the air is drawn into the corridor, kitchen or bathroom and from there through the general exhaust ventilation to the street. This is the best ventilation scheme for a dressing room if there are no more than 2 doors between it and a room with an exhaust hood.
  2. Variants of ventilation of a dressing room with and without a window
    Variants of ventilation of a dressing room with and without a window

    When the dressing room opens into the bedroom, the air must move in the opposite direction from the living room to the dressing room. For ventilation to work in the dressing room, you will have to organize an exhaust duct and you cannot do without the help of a professional designer. During finishing work, the exit to the ventilation duct is left open. Fresh air for ventilation of a deaf room enters from the adjacent living quarters. Supply air vents therefore need to be installed on windows or walls. In order for air to flow freely from one room to another, special holes are left (see paragraph 1).

  3. If the apartment is equipped with forced ventilation, a special exhaust duct is drawn into the dressing room. The air movement pattern is similar to that described in clause 2.

Deaf room ventilation

Fresh air is a guarantee of people's health and comfort
Fresh air is a guarantee of people's health and comfort

As a rule, forced-type ventilation is done in blind rooms without windows. Natural air exchange in such cases is not efficient enough, so you have to go for additional costs.

There are several types of units suitable for the ventilation of deaf rooms. Calculations made in accordance with the rules make it possible to achieve maximum efficiency.

If the area of ​​the deaf room does not exceed 40 sq. meters, a supply ventilation unit is suitable, providing an inflow of 120 cubic meters of air per hour. It is hung on an external wall and does not require any special maintenance.

More expensive models are equipped with several operating modes, they function in cold weather.

Intake air conditioner
Intake air conditioner

One of the most convenient ventilation methods for a deaf room can be considered an air conditioner with an air supply.

A budget option for a supply unit for a room without windows is to make a supply fan.It can draw air both from the street, if it is installed in an outer wall, and from an adjacent room. Such a solution for ventilation in the room can be equipped with your own hands.

The removal of exhaust air from a dead room is done, as in the case of a dressing room, using a gap under the door or a grate at the bottom of it.

Ventilation of a room with plastic windows

In rooms with plastic windows, ventilation is provided in several ways:

  1. Micro-ventilation.
  2. Window supply valve.
  3. Wall inlet valve.

Micro-ventilation does not require any special costs. This function is inherent in the design of any windows.

But this method of ventilation of rooms with plastic windows has disadvantages:

  • cold air enters the room, creating a draft and lowering the temperature;
  • in case of frost, the sash of the window freezes, frost and ice accumulate on it;
  • air exchange is not controlled.

Window and wall supply valves are very convenient and meet all modern requirements.

The supply valve for ventilation of a room with plastic windows is installed on the window sash. You can choose adjustable or non-adjustable model. The valve creates a flow of air directed towards the ceiling, which mixes with the heated air in the room, creating secondary convection.

The principle of the wall valve is similar. But it is installed in the outer wall. It is most advisable to place the valve above the radiator so that the cold air "flows" down, warms up and enters the room. Wall inlet valves for ventilation of rooms with plastic windows can be adjusted manually or automatically. Such devices are equipped with humidity sensors, an air filter. The main disadvantage of wall air inlets is that a hole with a diameter of 5-10 cm must be made in the load-bearing wall.

All air supply devices described above work effectively only in apartments with a normally functioning centralized hood.

Exhaust air from the room flows into the corridor, then into the bathroom or the kitchen. From here, through the general ventilation system, it is pulled out into the street.

How to organize ventilation of a room if the general ventilation system is hopelessly clogged and there is no extractor hood from the apartment? Forced forced ventilation into the room is provided. An air pressure is created, squeezing out the waste masses through the inoperative ventilation grilles in the kitchen and in the bathroom, the front door is leaking. In such cases, exhaust fans built into the ventilation grilles of the kitchen and toilet help to increase the outflow of air.

Dorm room ventilation

Compact and economical installation
Compact and economical installation

They often think about how to make ventilation in a dorm room by installing a shower cabin in it. The owners of the room with its own adjoining shower room also face the problem of dampness and mold.

Directly from the shower stall with your own hands, you can stretch the ventilation exhaust box to the room window, load-bearing wall or common house riser. On the side of the booth, an exhaust fan is built into the box, which is resistant to high humidity. The other end of the pipe is led out of the room. Many owners of dorm rooms hide the made ventilation box under a stretch or plasterboard ceiling.

If the question is about how to make ventilation in a dorm room complete, you should pay attention to compact room units with recuperation. They make it possible to provide supply and exhaust ventilation of the room without conducting air ducts and without changing the height of the ceiling.

Installation for supply and exhaust ventilation of a room is hung on a load-bearing wall and serves the room in which it is located.

The owner can equip such ventilation of the room with his own hands if there is access to the outer wall. To make ventilation in the room, you will need polyurethane foam, a puncher. In just a couple of hours, an excellent supply and exhaust ventilation of the room is ready.

Tubes with a diameter of 75 - 125 mm are pulled through the holes. One serves to supply street air, filtered and heated. The room air is blown out through the second tube, having previously given off heat through the heat exchanger to the fresh supply air.

One device for ventilation of the room can cope with 25 sq. meters of area, providing a double air exchange. Electricity consumption depends on the outside temperature. Up to -10 is spent up to 0.01 kilowatts per hour, and at -15 and less up to 0.6 kilowatts per hour. Savings come from recuperation.

Smoking room ventilation

The smoking room is not a gas chamber
The smoking room is not a gas chamber

Excellent ventilation is one of the most important conditions for the comfort of people in the smoking room and adjacent areas. With poor air exchange, harmful tobacco smoke will spread throughout the floor. How to make ventilation in a smoking room efficient and economical?

The ventilation efficiency of the smoking room is judged by the content of triethylpyridine (3-EP) in the air. In order to maintain concentration in acceptable aisles, in public buildings visited by a large number of people, it is necessary to equip supply and exhaust ventilation systems for smoking rooms.

Air exchange should be 10 - 14 times, but no more, so that a draft feeling is not created.

On average, 1 sq. meter of the smoking room is supposed to accommodate 1 person.

The air flow into the ventilated room should be (in cubic meters per hour for 1 person):

  • with strong smoke - 70 - 100 cubic meters;
  • with medium smoke emission - 35 - 40 cubic meters.

Simplified ventilation scheme for the smoking room: mixing fresh and exhaust air, removing it. This system is fairly inexpensive to install and maintain. Clean air is supplied to the room, mixed with smoke. At the same time, the content of toxic fumes decreases. A serious disadvantage of such a room ventilation device is the weak efficiency and distribution of smoky air throughout the volume of the room.

The displacing ventilation system for the smoking room is more modern and efficient. The inflow of fresh air replaces the entire volume of the room. The advantages of this method are obvious - you can clearly calculate the frequency of air exchange, and people breathe clean air for some time. The downside is quite expensive equipment.

Therefore, a third scheme was developed based on the physical properties of tobacco smoke. The air flow into the smoking room is supplied from below, where ventilation grilles are equipped for this. Warm cigarette smoke rushes to the ceiling of the room, where the exhaust ducts are located. From below, the smoke props up the cool street air. If the air vacuum in the smoking room is 5 Pa compared to the adjacent rooms, the smoke will not spread. And the air movement at a speed of 0.7 meters per second will create quite comfortable conditions for smokers.

Any of the ventilation schemes described above can be organized both at the stage of building a building, and in an already finished smoking room.

Watch the video for the installation of a finished smoking cabin
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