5 reasons to install silent bathroom fans

Fans are noisy, bulky, and blowing air to and fro useless - they are a thing of the past with the advent of air conditioners. But you can't hang an air conditioner in the bathtub, and, unfortunately, the need for ventilation in the bathroom is not a thing of the past. It continues to be a pressing problem in many apartments. That is why many manufacturers of fans, including silent ones, having worked on the design, improved the design and the principle of operation, have created special silent fans for the bathroom.

Until some time we don’t think about how ventilation in the bathroom works and is there any? But the first harbingers appear, by which we can judge about poor air ventilation, and now we are already racking our brains over how to solve this problem. What is the first indication that you need to install a silent fan in your bathroom?

Preventing mold and mildew

If your corners of the bathroom began to darken, followed by the ceiling, walls, a plaque of unknown origin appeared on the taps and the shower tube, this is the surest sign that it's time for you to go to the store for a fan. After all, this means that humid air is not ventilated at all in the room. There may be different explanations for this:

  • clogged ventilation;
  • its absolute absence (if during the repair, through imprudence or stupidity, you repaired it);
  • weak draft in the ventilation pipe.

Dries water droplets on walls and mirrors

If the walls have not yet become moldy, but streams of water are constantly flowing down the walls or mirrors, then the next step, if the fan is not installed in time, will become a fungus.

Removes unpleasant odor

It can have a different nature (smell from the sink, from the drain of water in the bathroom, foreign smells) and even disappear over time. But if for a long period you observe that it does not disappear, then ordinary ventilation cannot cope with it. Of course, the bathroom is not a place where you spend a lot of time, nevertheless, you want that even that short period when you are there does not cause discomfort. Silent bathroom fans will also save you from unpleasant odors.

Stale air and its weathering

The air may not even be humid, but heavy, as if "not to breathe", as the people say. Again, the reason for this is the lack of ventilation, that is, the air does not circulate, it stagnates. The fan blades will be able to make it "move", which (if you choose it successfully) will not even create unnecessary noise.

Keeps out "scents" and dust from neighbors

You don't even know which is better - the presence or absence of ventilation. Indeed, in its absence, all your smells remain with you, and if it is present, neighbors are also added to them. If you choose a fan model with a non-return valve, you will be saved from fine litter, dust and neighboring odors along the riser.

Silent fan models

The range of silent fans on the market is quite wide.

With humidity sensor

Such a model will significantly save your electricity, because the fan will turn on / off automatically. Its start and end of work will depend on the humidity that the sensor detects.Thus, he himself will know when to ventilate the room and when to stop.

With non-return valve

Reverse air flow will not be possible if the fan has a check valve. Not only air, but also dust, small particles and other debris, odors from other apartments will not penetrate your bathroom. It is especially recommended to install this model in apartment buildings.

With timer

By turning on such a fan, you don't have to worry about forgetting to turn it off and end up with a mind-boggling electricity bill. Now the optimal solution between energy saving and good ventilation has been found! And this is a timer fan.

It will turn off by itself after a certain, preset time after turning on.

With motion sensor

Such a fan reacts to mechanical movements, and therefore will work when someone is in the bathroom, and automatically turn off when there is no one in the room.

Its installation is advisable, since ventilation will occur when you swim, take a shower, and the percentage of humidity rises accordingly.

Silent fan review

Advantages of Silent fans:

  • Undeniable quality. The products of this manufacturer meet all international quality standards.
  • Stylish design. Among the Silent models, you can choose both standard, classic versions, or stop your attention on fans of different colors, which will suit a wide variety of styles and designs of bathrooms.
  • Quiet work. We cannot talk about complete silence, but the noise level during operation of these fans does not exceed 35 decibels, which is quite quiet. This is achieved by isolating the motor from the housing.
  • Perfection in design. It seems that the creators of the Silent line have thought over their brainchild to the smallest detail that it is no longer possible to do better.
  • Waterproof design. A noticeable plus for the fan in the bathroom, if it will not be "afraid" of water getting on it. Fans from the Silent series are reckless brave men in this sense!

The basis for this series is the following models - Silent 100 CS, Silent 100 CMS, Silent 100 CRS, Silent 100 CHS. Derivatives are already being developed from them, which complement the basic options with a palette of shades and various functions.

  • The Silent 100 CS is not equipped with sensors. It is rather a kind of economical variant of luxury fans. Its diameter is 100 mm, its capacity is 95 m3 / h. The noise level is low - 26.5 dB. The maximum temperature at which it will operate is + 400 C. Dimensions - 158x158 mm. Pressure - 50 Pa.
  • Silent 100 CMS is weaker in power than the above model. Its productivity is 80 m3 / h. The noise level is the same and it is also equipped with a non-return valve. But it belongs to the type with a pull-cord switch, unlike the previous one. In principle, if the number of people living in an apartment is not so large, its capacity will be quite enough for normal ventilation of the bath. So, you can safely take it!
  • The Silent 100 CRS is similar in characteristics to the very first model described above. It has the same capacity (95 m3 / h) but is already equipped with a timer. Accordingly, its cost is higher.
  • Silent 100 CHS - model with built-in sensor. The rest is completely identical with the first model.
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