Do-it-yourself sauna heating: an overview of water and gas heat supply

The organization of heating in a bath is one of the most difficult tasks of heat supply.This is due to the peculiarities of the operation of this building, as well as the building materials used for interior decoration. How to make water and gas heating in a bath with your own hands and at the same time maintain comfort and special conditions in it?

Rules for organizing heating in a bath

Sauna wood heating
Sauna wood heating

The simplest option is a sauna with heating from home. This scheme involves connecting the steam room, dressing room and other premises to the autonomous heat supply of the cottage. But this can be realized only if the structure of the bath is closely adjacent to the house or is at a distance of no more than 3-4 m from it.

The most common option for the location of a building on a site is remote from a residential building. How to make water heating in a bath and at the same time optimize the cost of organizing it? Variants of using standard schemes are possible, however, along with this, the specifics of the operation of the bath should be taken into account:

  • The heat source (boiler) must provide heating of the air in the steam room to a level of + 90 ° С + 100 ° С. For this, special sauna stoves with a container for stones are used;
  • For rooms with an area of ​​more than 60 m², it is recommended to install piped heat supply. Together with it, you can make a DHW system to increase comfort. In the presence of a second floor, heating of the attic of the bath is required;
  • Ensuring the removal of carbon monoxide gases along with a well-thought-out ventilation system;
  • Fire safety. Since in the overwhelming majority of cases wood is used for decoration of premises, it should be prevented from contact with heating elements - pipes, radiators.
Sauna gas heating
Sauna gas heating

Another important point is the choice of energy carrier. Gas heating in a bath is advisable only when installing a specialized boiler. The installation of self-made structures can lead to the creation of emergency and dangerous situations.

In addition to gas, other equally efficient sources of thermal energy can be used:

  • Firewood... The traditional type of fuel, with the help of which heating a sauna in winter turns into a kind of ritual. A significant drawback is constant monitoring of the fuel level in the furnace, as well as the impossibility of prompt adjustment of the water heating level;
  • Diesel fuel or waste oil... The most unacceptable energy option for a bath. The problem lies in the unpleasant odor and the difficulty in organizing fuel storage.

How to make gas heating of a bath yourself? To do this, you need to choose the right equipment and components for heat supply - pipes, radiators, as well as containers for indirect heating of hot water.

When heating a bath from the heating system of a house, part of the pipeline located on the street must be insulated. To solve this problem, you can use special heat insulators or an electric heating wire.

Heating schemes for the bath complex

The choice of a heat supply scheme is a top priority. Thanks to the development of technology, it is possible to choose combined stoves for heating and a bath, or models with heaters. It all depends on the size of the room - its area, volume, number of storeys and the number of rooms.

Heat supply for a bath without pipelines and radiators

Traditional bath heating scheme
Traditional bath heating scheme

The first task of organizing the heat supply of the bath is to choose a heating scheme for it and ensure the required temperature level in the steam room. For small rooms, you can do without heating, since the heat from the surface of the stove will be enough to heat the entire room.

When making heating a bath with your own hands according to this scheme, you need to think over the location of the boiler and choose the right model for it. Its main task is to maintain the optimal heating level in the steam room. To do this, you can use an electric boiler for heating a bath or its gas counterpart. The main thing is that the design includes the following components:

  • Fuel combustion zone (gas models) or heating element (electric boiler);
  • A heat exchanger through which heat is transferred from the fuel to the air in the room and the stone container;
  • Kamenka. Required for energy storage and steam generation.
Sauna stove cladding
Sauna stove cladding

Such heating of a summer cottage has one condition - a large heat transfer from the entire surface of the boiler. This is due to the need to warm up at least two rooms - a steam room and a dressing room. Therefore, it is often possible to see in the photo of the installation of heating in the bath that the steel body of the boiler is lined with fireclay bricks or ceramic plates.

This technology allows you to solve two problems - protection from hard heat radiation and uniform heating of the air in the room even after the boiler is stopped. Brick, natural stone and ceramic plates are good heat accumulators.

To organize hot water supply, a special tank containing water can be installed on the chimney. This will allow you to make a full shower in the bath.

Bath heating schemes

Water heating and hot water baths
Water heating and hot water baths

Installing a full-fledged gas heating in a bath is the best option for rooms with a medium and large area. However, difficulties may arise when drawing up a diagram and choosing heat supply components.

First of all, you need to solve the question - how to make the water heating of the bath yourself. The use of standard schemes is not always advisable, since they are designed for residential buildings. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the operation of the bath room:

  1. For the heat supply to work, you will need a combined stove for heating and a bath. Structurally, it differs in the presence of a heat exchanger connected to the pipelines.
  2. Location and design capacity of radiators. For a Russian bath, a temperature regime should be provided from + 65 ° C to + 75 ° C. In a Finnish sauna, this figure can reach + 110 ° C. In the dressing room, the air heating level must be at least + 25 ° С. In other rooms, the temperature should not be lower than the established norm + 22 ° С. Based on this, the optimal power of the radiators is calculated.
  3. Selection of accessories. When heating a bath with your own hands, high humidity and temperature should not affect the condition of pipes and radiators. Therefore, it is recommended to select models for which the rusting process is impossible or proceeds very slowly. These include cast iron batteries, bimetallic radiators.

There are two ways to make the correct gas heating of a bathhouse - by connecting to a pipeline with natural gas or using its liquefied analogue. In the first case, it is necessary to issue permits. The installation of heating equipment is carried out by representatives of the management company or a specialized organization licensed for this type of work.

Sauna gas heating
Sauna gas heating

If the summer cottage is heated with bottled or liquefied gas, the following conditions must be met:

  • Organization of a storage place for cylinders or installation of a special container - a gas holder. It is strictly forbidden to store containers with gas in a living room or boiler room. In the case of a bath, this is the room in which the boiler is located;
  • Gas sorting line from storage to boiler burner. It is made of special pipes designed for a certain pressure and with a minimum probability of gas leakage;
  • Taking into account the increased boiler output, it is necessary to consider the installation of an appropriate chimney system to remove carbon monoxide. Analyzing the photo of heating installation for a bath, you can see that sandwich systems are most often used. They are characterized by a minimum amount of moisture on the inner surface of the pipe, which practically does not affect the operation of the boiler.

For heating the baths in winter, a hot water system must be provided. It can be done using an indirect heating tank connected to the heat supply. Since the intensity of water use will be low, you can limit yourself to models with a capacity of up to 200 liters.

When installing an electric boiler with a heater, it is recommended to make independent heating. To do this, you can use a small solid fuel stove or modern models of electric boilers - ion or induction.

The choice of equipment for heating the bath

Sauna stove design
Sauna stove design

A modern stove for a bath and heating can be of several types. But regardless of this, the structure must perform its main functions - heating the steam room and the heat carrier in the heat supply system.

There are several ways to put this system into practice. If there is already a brick oven in the bath, you can modify it. To do this, you need the following:

  • Heat exchanger adapted to the firebox... Most often, this is a homemade design, made to order according to the estimated dimensions. For this, heat-resistant steel with a thickness of at least 2 mm is used;
  • Gas-burner... Its dimensions must be adapted to the dimensions of the combustion chamber of the sauna and heating stove. Otherwise, you will have to rebuild the design of the firebox.

It is best to choose models with flame modulation, since they can smoothly change the operating power, thereby adjusting the degree of heating of the heater and the heat carrier.


For full heating of the attic of a bath or the second floor of a building, it is recommended to purchase a factory gas boiler with a heat exchanger. Such models are characterized by reliable operation, high efficiency and safety.

Before installing gas heating in the bath, the boiler power is preliminarily calculated. Manufacturers usually indicate the maximum and minimum volume of the steam room for each model. However, in addition to this, it is necessary to make water heating in the dressing room and other rooms. Therefore, the area of ​​the entire bath should be taken into account in addition to the rated power. Given the good thermal insulation, you can use the formula:

W = (Qb-Qp) * 41

Where W - additional power, W,Qb - the total volume of the bath, m³,Qп - steam room volume, m³.

For example, let's calculate the additional power of the combined heating stove and steam room. The total volume of the building is 162 m³. The same figure for the steam room is 24 m³. Then the required additional power will be as follows:

W = (162-24) * 41 = 5658 W or 6 kW.

In addition, when installing gas heating for a bath, you need to take into account the cost of equipment. It all depends on the chosen scheme, power and budget.

Modelpower, kWtCost, rub.
Gas burner Sakhalin-22612000
Ermak gas stove1220160
DHW tank, 80 l.7515
Electric heater Helo LUMI 90 ST922350

For winter heating of a bath, it is recommended to install a complete heat supply system. This is especially true for regions with low temperatures in winter. But besides this, they take into account the specifics of the installation of the heating system.

The length of the chimney must be at least 4 m. Only such a minimum figure can provide the required level of draft.

Self-installation of heating in the bath

Bath scheme
Bath scheme

The installation of the heating of the bath is carried out well before the interior decoration of the premises. Otherwise, there may be problems with the installation of pipes and radiators.The specificity of heating a bath for a summer residence is the absence of direct contact of the highways with internal decorative panels.

It is also important to correctly install the boiler for the bath and heating. If a brick oven will be used as the main component of heat supply, an independent foundation must be made for it in advance. Otherwise, its mass will push the floor, and the whole structure will slowly lower.

The installation of an electric boiler for heating a bath is done after the installation of electrical wiring. Its cross-section must be designed for the maximum power of all electrical appliances. An RCD is also required.

For full heating of the sauna attic, you need to know the following conditions:

  • Providing fire safety... The walls and floor around the boiler must be lined with non-combustible materials. For laying pipes and chimney, special heat-resistant sleeves are used;
  • Walls, floor and attic must be insulated... This is necessary to minimize heat loss;
  • Due to high humidity, a ventilation system is installed... It is an indispensable element for the safe operation of gas equipment.

As an alternative method of heating the premises of the bath, you can consider installing a warm water floor system. This will allow for an even temperature distribution and increase the comfort level of being in the bath.

In the video, you can see an example of the organization of water heating in a bath.
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