How and what to sheathe the gazebo from the inside and outside with your own hands - the choice of material

The gazebo is an ideal place to relax, which should be practical and cozy. It is necessary to think over the design of the building so that it looks beautiful and fits into the general line of the site design. The choice of materials for finishing the gazebo is a responsible procedure, since special requirements are imposed on them.

Principles for choosing material for a gazebo

The most popular and optimal material for a summer cottage is wood.

To choose a suitable option for interior and exterior decoration of a structure, it is necessary to consider the functions that it should perform:

  • to provide an aesthetic appearance of the structure, combined with all neighboring buildings, landscape design;
  • protect the gazebo from the negative influence of external factors, precipitation;
  • improve the thermal insulation of the capital structure.

The material should have an acceptable cost, be easy to use and maintain.

Exterior wall decoration

Edged board - an economical and environmentally friendly material

The choice of covering the frame of the gazebo outside depends on the structure of the structure, the particulars of its use, the climate of the region.

Edged board

The board is an economical option that has different thicknesses and widths. The material is environmentally friendly, it is dyed, it can be repaired and, if properly cared for, lasts a long time. Before use, the tree is treated with antiseptic compounds and agents that increase fire resistance. Wood is often damaged by insects and rodents.

Lining (eurolining, block house)

The advantage of the lining is ease of installation, the ability to use it for finishing any surfaces, and visual appeal. To prevent rainwater from accumulating in the seams between the strips, they are fixed vertically.

The block house is an environmentally friendly cladding. At the same time, the gazebo looks like a structure made of rounded logs, beams.


Siding gazebo

Siding is used to decorate the gazebo more often than other materials, since it has the following advantages:

  • resistant to direct sunlight, moisture, temperature extremes;
  • does not lend itself to damage by insects;
  • durable (correctly fixed material will last at least 10 years);
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to install and maintain.

Siding is distinguished by a variety of colors. Its surface can imitate natural materials.

If the frame of the gazebo is wooden, a layer of waterproofing is placed under the cladding.

In the event of a breakdown, the element is replaced, since it cannot be repaired.


The metal arbor sheathing is often performed with polycarbonate. This is a modern material that is characterized by high strength, low weight, and flexibility. For work, use colored or transparent sheets. Polycarbonate can be monolithic and cellular. The first option is inexpensive, easy to process, but under the influence of direct sunlight, it quickly acquires a yellow tint. When using cellular polycarbonate, the structure does not receive additional stress.The presented material has low thermal conductivity. However, under the influence of negative temperatures, it becomes brittle and breaks down quickly.

Lathing from slats

The lathing gives the gazebo lightness, sophistication

The decorative rail does not make the structure heavier, but makes it beautiful and graceful. Most often, the material is used to decorate summer arbors: walls, ceiling. However, the tree requires additional processing with protective compounds.

Profiled sheet

Sheathe the gazebo with a metal profiled sheet only if it is located in the shade. Otherwise, the finish will become very hot. The material is strong, durable, resistant to mechanical damage. He is not afraid of moisture, insects. However, the sheets can be bent, they do not provide sound insulation.

Oriented strand board OSB

Most often, OSB boards are used for sheathing the ceiling of the gazebo, but sometimes it is used for cladding the walls. This material helps to protect the structure from the wind. However, the slabs cannot be called resistant to mechanical damage and precipitation, so they require additional protection.

Interior wall decoration

Wood trim is easy to install

To decorate the gazebo inside, materials are required that are easy to maintain and show themselves well in operation in difficult conditions. However, such cladding is less susceptible to atmospheric precipitation.


From the inside, the structure is sheathed with wood; it is suitable for working with metal, brick, stone. This finish is easy to install, has a beautiful texture, and fits well into the design of the summer cottage. The wood is decorated with carved elements. Various types of decor look good on it. Modern protective equipment will prevent damage to the material by insects and rodents, protect it from the negative effects of moisture.

Wooden gazebos inside are often covered with antiseptic agents. They are transparent or have a certain shade.

Facing stone

Stone is a durable material that is resistant to any weather influences and mechanical damage. It allows you to create a unique design. It is successfully used in gazebos with a stove, barbecue, fireplace.

How to sew the ceiling

Ceiling clapboard

If the gazebo is lined with clapboard, the same material is used to hem the ceiling. Fix it with your own hands. The material is easy to process.

Also, the following materials are used to decorate the ceiling:

  • Waterproof plywood. Various compositions are constructed from it. To decorate the surface, use a varnish for outdoor use or an appropriate paint.
  • The cloth. For work, you will need a dense material that is resistant to tearing. It is pulled and secured with wooden slats. However, such a finish quickly becomes dirty and becomes unusable.
  • Plastic panels. Decorating the ceiling with such material will turn out quickly. It is resistant to the influence of external negative factors, it is distinguished by a variety of shades. The panels cannot be called durable, because they are easy to break or puncture.
  • Wood-polymer composite. Imitates natural wood planks. The finish is resistant to moisture and negative temperatures. It has a beautiful texture and therefore does not require additional decoration.

The choice of cladding depends on how often the gazebo will be used, on its design, dimensions.

Flooring options

Tile is a strong and durable material

Before finishing the gazebo, you should consider floor options. It should be not only beautiful, but also durable.

Tile and stone decoration

The advantages of materials are resistance to moisture, durability. In addition, they provide a nice looking finish. Most often, the presented materials are used if the base is made of concrete.

When using tiles, it is better to choose options with a corrugated surface. Porcelain stoneware as well as clinker are expensive.The basis for them must be properly prepared. A budget option for arranging the floor is paving slabs. For its installation, a cushion made of crushed stone and sand with the addition of cement is required.

Wooden floor

For the floor, use an edged and planed board

For arranging the floor, an edged and planed board is used. When laying between them, a ventilation gap of 2 mm is observed. Mount the material on the logs. They are pretreated with protective equipment.

Terrace board finishing

Terrace board is made for use in open spaces, street buildings. It can be natural and composite. The material is characterized by resistance to wear, durability, beautiful appearance, and durability. It is not destroyed by moisture and direct sunlight.

Other floor finishes

To form the floor, use:

  • cement particle board;
  • concrete;
  • linoleum;
  • backfilling with sand and gravel.

Sometimes in gazebos there is an adobe floor, which is characterized by an unusual texture.

Style options

Gazebo in oriental style

Before sheathe the gazebo, choose the style of their design. It all depends on the direction of decorating the site.


For a classic gazebo, antique furniture and flower pots are used. Stone, wood, brick, forged elements are used as decoration.

East style

The decoration provides bright colors. For decoration, wood is often used, which is decorated with carvings, inlays. It is better to use bamboo, rattan for cladding.

Eco style

Only natural wood is suitable for the design of the structure. Among the decorative elements there are branches, bars, cuts, slats.

Frequent problems and solutions

The gazebo should be beautiful, practical, functional

Before finishing the frame of the gazebo with facing material, it is necessary to consider possible installation problems that worsen the quality and durability of the design.

  1. Tight assembly of different materials: wood and metal. It is better to combine corrugated sheet with concrete.
  2. Choice of cheap finishes. You should not save on cladding, since the cheap option becomes unusable faster, loses its decorative effect and function.
  3. Using simple paints and varnishes to decorate the finish. Apply only formulations that are intended for external use.

The gazebo should be practical, comfortable and beautiful. The finishing material is chosen depending on the design style and the frequency of use of the structure. If everything is done correctly, the gazebo will delight the eye and give comfort for many years.
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